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SDG Advocacy: Building Sustainable Cities and Communities through Partnerships

At iHotelVest, we’re dedicated to advocating for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our focus is on SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. We believe that collaboration and collective action are essential for creating a better future for all.



Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

What is SDGs Goal 11?

SDGs Goal 11 is “Sustainable Cities and Communities,” with its mission statement being “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.”

The goal has ten targets and 14 indicators measuring the sustainability of many aspects of the cities and communities. These targets include ensuring access to adequate, safe, and affordable housing and basic services, safeguarding the world’s cultural and natural heritage, and lowering the environmental impact of cities, including air quality and waste management.

Sustainable Cities and Communities in Nigeria
Many of Nigeria’s concerns about the sustainability of cities and communities are linked to the population imbalance. On one side, people are moving away from rural areas into cities for convenience, education and job employment, endangering the local economies. On the other, the overpopulation in major cities stresses the infrastructure and systems, like areas of well-being and consumption.

Regional Revitalization continues to be a big topic in Nigeria, in an attempt to protect rural communities and their cultural heritage. New lifestyles and workstyles are also being explored as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Of course, as consumption centers, there are pockets of cities that are pushing sustainability. There are businesses and brands making the shift towards becoming more sustainable, while more ambitious ones are trying to redesign the way we consume in cities. Well-being is also a major theme.

The Power of Partnerships:

SDG 17 emphasizes the importance of partnerships in achieving the SDGs. At iHotelVest, we’re committed to fostering strong partnerships with organizations, governments, and communities to drive progress towards SDG 11. By working together, we can:

Mobilize Resources: Leverage funding, expertise, and technology to support sustainable development projects.
Share Knowledge: Exchange best practices, research, and innovation to address urbanization challenges.
Amplify Impact: Collaborate on large-scale initiatives, enhancing the reach and effectiveness of our efforts.

Our Partnerships in Action:

We’re proud to partner with organizations dedicated to sustainable urban development, such as:

UN-Habitat: Collaborating on sustainable urban planning and development projects.
World Green Building Council: Advancing green building practices and certification programs.
Local Governments: Working with cities to develop and implement sustainable urban development strategies.

Success Stories and Impact:

Our partnerships have yielded impressive results:

Sustainable Urban Planning: Developed and implemented sustainable urban plans, enhancing the quality of life for over 100,000 urban residents.
Green Building Certification: Certified over 50 green buildings, reducing carbon emissions by 50% and energy consumption by 30%.
Community Development: Created public spaces, parks, and social infrastructure, benefiting over 50,000 community members.

Join Us in Shaping a Sustainable Future:
Together, we can build sustainable cities and communities that thrive for generations to come. At iHotelVest, we invite you to join our journey towards a better future. Partner with us, and let’s create a world that’s more equitable, prosperous, and environmentally conscious.

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